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Visits to Mount Bromo and Shipyard

Created on Tuesday, 27 September 2016

SIDI Week September ended with a trip to Mount Bromo and shipyards that produce boats using fiber materials. The trip to Mount Bromo began at 18:00 from the Department of Naval Architecture Institute of Technology. Stopped for having dinner at  Tempo Doloes restaurant and the journey continued to the hotel where we would take a rest. We arrived at the hotel at 00:30 am, the location of our hotel was in the Bromo area because thatt the air temperature was cold. Bromo temperature range in the dry season is 5-6 degrees Celsius, but during the rainy season temperatures will be a little warmer. Watching the sunrise is kind of beautiful moment for the tourists when visiting Mount Bromo and it's not a secret that the beauty of Mount Bromo is one of the loveliest Montain in the world.

Sunrise can be seen starting at 4:00 to 4:30 am, and trip from the hotel to the place where we could see the sunrise took about 30 minutes trip by Jeep. We must awake after a short break to leave for Pananjakan by

using Jeep as a powerful vehicle to conquer the sea of sand. At the top of Pananjakan is a very suitable place to see sunrise and no wonder if there were a lot of visitors at that time. After we enjoyed the sunrise and when nature has already bright it was the time to see  view of Mount Bromo, Mount Batok and Mount Semeru, and those montains were so beautiful. 

Besides watching the sunrise, visiting the crater of Mount Bromo seemed to be a must for tourists. By using a Jeep through the sea of sand back to the area where the Jeep stopped, we tried to rent some horses. Riding is a special experience for the tourists and it can be helpful for those who are reluctant to walk to the top of Bromo crater due to various reasons respectively. The number of tourists at the time made line of stairs were full with people.  A lot of people made reaching the crater took a long time. As an informastion Bromo crater has a big hole and produce a rumbling sound almost similar to aircraft noise.

Other attraction was in the Teletubbies Hills, these hills like the one in the children’s movie series a few years ago. Green hills quite different to Mount Bromo, no plant at all so the atmosphere in these hills quieter. Not many tourists who come to enjoy these hills so that the right place to enjoy our selves after being in Pananjakan and the crater of Mount Bromo were overcrowded by tourists. The next place was the sand ripple, called rippled sand because the vast sea of sand and if it is exposed by wind, the sand will rustle and produce certain sounds.  After visiting some spots, at 08:30 we back to the hotel for breakfast and rest until 11:00.

Coinciding with a Friday so we had to stop to do Friday prayers before continuing the trip to CV.Makmur Jaya, name of shipyards that produce vessels made from fiber. Location of  CV.Makmur Jaya is in Brak Banjarsari village - Sumbersari District of Probolinggo. Greeted warmly by the owner of the shipyard,Mr. Suyuti, we continued to discuss about the shipyard. The number of employees working in CV.Makmur jaya amounted to 35 employees, 30 employees in production and 5 employees in administration. No kidding, shipyard owned by Mr. Suyuti which incidentally is not the shipbuilding engineering graduate can afford to make fishing vessels to 300 vessels per year with a turnover of more than 7 billion rupiah. After the discussion finished we were offered lunch and ended with a photo session.


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